In this article I will explain to you why the AUDIENCE can be truly porfitable for you, this is the key to your success. Indeed, in order to move forward towards a more pleasant life and to work at home as I do today, it is very important that you start to know your audience better.

Before starting to promote a product or service it is essential to understand your audience and know what they want. Because if you do your job blindly, no one or very few people will care what you say.It would be like talking on a big stage in a wonderful concert hall but without any audience. You will agree that it is a waste of time, money, and energy! So that this does not happen to you, follow the guide!

You must become the answer to the prayers of your audience. What I mean is that you, like me, like everyone else, we have questions, problems, needs, and often no answers. So you absolutely have to get to know your audience to become the person with the answers to guide them.

For example, the answer to my prayers was John Thornhill. He always had the solution so that I could move faster, stronger, and more efficiently. It is a person like him that you must seek to become. The audience that trusts you and that will talk about you as I speak about John is the start of a great career in the world of affiliation.


Understanding your audience also means making them understand that you are a real person who understands them. Someone who is there for them and who knows what they need. It is important that your audience feels like they belong to your troop and that you share the same concerns. Your involvement with your audience will help them trust you. And do you know what happens with trust? Your audience will start looking at the products you offer them, thinking they badly need it because they will be counting on you to help them.

Affiliate marketing can really be a fantastic way to earn a great income. But as I told you at the beginning of this article without an audience, it is better to close your store. On the other hand, with a loyal audience, your success is endless.


It will always be best for you to start in your comfort zone so that you are sure to reach the target audience that you know. What I mean by your comfort zone these are problems that you have gone through in the world of affiliate marketing and that you have managed to solve.You can talk about it to explain how to get out of this specific problem. However, even if it is a problem that you know, it will always be more enriching for your audience that you do research on the web on this problematic. It is always better that you see the subject on several sides instead of talking about it just from your point of view.


To work in the affiliate marketing world, knowing your audience is all about knowing their demographics and lifestyle. What I mean is if you want to start without knowing the gender, the income, their level of education, their opinion, their hobbies, and all those details that make us target people. Without knowing all that; all the work you do will be a waste of time. Yes, a waste of time because you won’t be able to solve their problem if you don’t know who they are.

To give you a specific example, you shouldn’t be offering products that might cost $ 2000 to buy, to an audience that has an average income of $ 2000 per month. It would be too expensive for them and a waste of your time.

John Thornhill’s program targets people aged between 25 years old and over. How do I know this? It’s a bunch of common elements that got me interested in him. Me, I’m a woman of 35 years young and I have certain specific life goals that John Thornhill talks about and that’s why I felt very comfortable with all of his programs. Somehow John speaks my language and my ear immediately hooked to his speech. Do not hesitate to read the free report he wrote and you will understand why I was not afraid to get involved in his programs.


When I write my articles I know who I am writing to because I have created a sort of robot portrait of my audience. When I speak of robot portrait it is really to imagine the type of person that you want to help. It could be a woman or a man with a particular job, a certain type of income, a specific age group. This person can go through a difficult time like a divorce, he/she can have debts to pay. This fake person will be the person to whom you write all your articles, all your posts on social media, all the images you post. This audience should be recognized in the way you write, the videos you make, and everything related to your affiliate marketing.


In order to grow and be successful in internet business, you must learn to be as flexible as plasticine. This way you will always be constantly evolving and you will improve every day. Your audience will always be in constant change, we are very volatile people on the internet and we can quickly be attracted by novelty. So do not hesitate to study your audience and see what interests them to stay in the trend of the moment.

Listening to your audience means finding products that suit them and the result for you will be more income. Your audience will be loyal to you if you actively listen to them. To be even more efficient and start making money faster, listen to John Thornhill’s free webinar, you won’t be disappointed.

Until the next article, be productive, stay healthy, and stay safe!

This is a guest post from Ingrid Gillot if you would like to be considered for a guest post please contact me.


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