I know that is a bold statement.

Let me ask you this…. What do people do when they want to take a trip or have work done on their car or home?

Got the answer yet?   People look at reviews!  They want recommendations on where to get their car fixed or who could fix their home.   They may ask friends on Facebook or just look at Google reviews. 

Have you ever bought anything from Amazon?  I’m guessing you probably looked at how many stars that product had before you purchased it.   Have you ever NOT bought a product on Amazon you were thinking of buying because the reviews weren’t good enough?  I know I have.

Planning a trip and need to stay at a hotel or Airbnb.  Do you look at the reviews?  If you are like most of course you do.

Now how will that work in the internet marketing world?

First, let me tell you what I am NOT talking about.  I don’t mean those phony reviews where you will see someone review 5 vacuums and rank each one a little worse than the last and have an affiliate link to all of them.   Those feel dirty to me in most of those cases the affiliate is just copying text and trying to get sales. 

Let me tell you a quick story…

Back 15 years ago I did a review of a trading product.  This product took off and I made well over $100,000 off this one product over the course of 1 year!   The product was sold for $150 and I got a $75 commission.   At the time it was the #1 ClickBank product (with a gravity of almost 1000!) and I was the #1 affiliate for that product. 

If you want to hear the rest of that 1 product +$100,000 commission story or want help in your own biz Click here.

What I did right on that product was I purchased it just after the launch opened.  And then I did a video of the back office of that product to show people what they were going to get when they purchased it.  People do that all the time now I know but back then not as much.   

But the best thing I did and what this article is about was I did weekly reviews of how the product was performing.

So this product was in the trading niche.  (Forex robot to be exact.)  After the initial review which again was just me showing the back office and giving my thoughts on it.  At that point, I had no idea if the product worked or didn’t but I wanted to show people what they were buying.

 I got the robot set up and traded it each and every week.  

Whether the week was good or bad I would shoot a short video going over the results.  What went well and what didn’t? I did 56 weeks in all for that product

What that did besides making me a bunch of money is make me look like an expert in that field.  So when the next forex robot launch came around you bet I was selling a ton of that product as well.   

If you want me to share more on this method, including a chance to look at the ugly website I made over 100k click here 

Lots of people review products but you can stand out by doing weekly updates on the progress you are having with the product. You stand out, build your email list, and look like an expert. 

If you are searching for reviews for the new MMO course.  You find 5 people with reviews of the product, but 1 of them has 3 weeks of updates on his/her progress so far using the product. And he/she is promising to give weekly updates now. They are going to look like an expert on the product and it shows they care about your success and not just a commission because they are putting in the work. 

 A few niches that work well for ongoing updated results are investing/trading, health/fitness, MMO/Affiliate marketing.   

You could buy a ClickBank product that offers weight loss products.  Do a review of your initial thoughts and an unboxing.  Let people know you will be using the product and giving updates each week via your site.  Then each week show your results and let them know the good and the bad of what went wrong and what you did right.  Let them know where to buy it etc..   

Weekly Reviews use it today and 15 years from now. 

To your success 

Steve H.

For help in your Affiliate marketing journey reach out to me

This is a guest post written by Steve Hoven, if you wish to be considered for a guest post then please contact me

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