You can check ‘The 7 Key Elements Every Successful Marketer Follows’ at

But don’t take our word for it. See what others are saying about the latest creation from John Thornhill & Randy Smith

The following testimonials are 100% unedited.

Testimonial One.

Hi John and Randy,

I bought your eBook as soon as it came out and followed my principle of always reading everything as soon as it is downloaded.

Congratulations on producing a clear blueprint to success that anyone can follow. Whilst you can’t actually force someone to achieve anything you have set out the steps that we all need to take and now it is up to us.

The last part Randy added is very important and I think it is something all successful people share,


Keith Purkiss

Testimonial Two.

Hi John and Randy

Another winner! Surprising how telling it as it needs to be told is such a refreshing change. If you need to market anything, anywhere, the road-map is in this book – just follow it.

We all now have a tried and trusted plan to follow by people that actually work this way, we do not need anything else other than to take action.

A fantastic and clearly laid out book with proven and tested methods. Well done and thank you John and Randy.

Nick Chivers

And the following testimonial is taken from my members only forum at

Hi Everyone,
I just sent in this unsolicited testimonial to John and Randy via email, but wanted to share it with the group because I truly liked the product and wanted to share my appraisal with anyone on the fence about buying it. I’m probably preaching to the choir though in here.

Apologies up front as I’m about to unabashedly toast them both. So no hecklers.

These things can come off sounding contrived and kiss-ass, so I don’t want to do this often, but here goes…

A toast!
Right from the first day I came across him, John’s writing came through as him being a person of integrity and clarity. One who cares and acts in his own best interests and those of others to his own benefit and theirs. Rational self-interest as it’s called. A man after my own heart.

The two ebooks I’ve read so far left me feeling like it was something I could have and should have written but didn’t. Most of us here have read so much, know so much, tried so much, but not always done so much. He’s moved ahead, taken action, and helped others.

This ebook describes me at various points in my Internet Marketing journey to breaking free. Now after reading it, his other ebooks, and this forum, I almost feel like I was guided here perhaps to continue my journey with his support and instruction as well as others here in the forum. (Thanks Kristi!)

And what’s interesting is I’ve only just discovered him a little less than two weeks ago. But truth and clarity have a way of shining through every page ; it’s part of a writers style, — the integrity shows. At least that’s the feel I get when I read his stuff. He’s like the guy I am in many ways, but much further ahead down the road; the guy I want to be. The guy I’m pretty shure I can be with the right focus and action. And perhaps the support of others. Perhaps it is me and can only be revealed thru others help?

…and this book I guess catalyzed it for me tonight. I guess I’m just at the right point that this makes so much sense to me right now. I’m at the cusp of several of these 7 points and it really hit home.

Jeesh, I’m probably really over blowing this for what seems like ‘only’ a $10 ebook. Well, I guess I’m just at the right point for it’s message today.

It’s all the things I know and think about doing every day but somehow don’t because of myriad reasons. It’s also put them into a concise whole which is something that I hadn’t done yet. …There’s the clarity of thought he has coming through again.

Anyway, I should stop here as I’m probably over hyping it. For me anyway, it was just what I needed.

Here’s the testimonial for everyone’s reference:

Hi John, Randy,

I’m floored.

I’ve just finished reading “Seven Key Elements” and I’m elated like I’ve not been in months! This little gem is the truly, truly, truly the best $10 bucks I’ve spent in a long while. Perhaps the best value in exchange for $10 dollars I’ve ever spent.

You both are such high quality individuals. What is contained within really shows your integrity and forthrightness coming through on every page very unlike most of what else is out there today. Your “7 Key Elements” are truly the raw core of what people need to understand if they’re going to get their mindset correct in order to succeed.

You’ve laid it out as plain as day and not distracted anyone with superfluous fluff. It’s a concise read of the bare bones, but high-road essentials they need to grasp to finally re-situate their heads in the right direction! I applaud you for this and very much want to implore people to invest $10.00 in a counseling session like no other. …And many are in desperate need of it.

Best thing I’ve read this year.

Highest Regards,
Dave Marcotte

(You have permission to use this as a testimonial if you so choose. I would be honored.)

Take care guys.

If you would like to add your testimonial about ‘The 7 Key Elements Every Successful Marketer Follows’ please leave your comments below.

You can purchase The 7 Key Elements Every Successful Marketer Follows from

    2 replies to "The 7 Key Elements Every Successful Marketer Follows"

    • Peggy Baron

      Thanks John and Randy for providing this eBook just when my email in-bin was awash with internet marketers’ offers to buy this and that. While reading your eBook, #3 and #4 keys hit me right between the eyes!

      What I liked best about the book was the bonus chapter. That really said it all for me and I want to thank you.

      Peggy Baron

    • Mick Menesse

      John and Randy,

      A most interesting read, not what i was expecting at all but good common sense, no nonsense advice.

      As an ebook writer myself i can relate to the advice given and agree that by following the 7 key steps then you WILL succeed.

      This isnt the usual crap about adsense or ebay. It’s about getting things in order. Formulating your plan and putting it into action.

      Wise words indeed.:-)

      Kind regards,
      Mick Menesse

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